Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Acrobat 5 at Your Own Pace
with this Lesson-Full Book!"
Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
Team Adobe Development
Adobe Press in association with Peachpit Press http://www.adobe.com/adobepress/main.html
Publication Date: June
Pages: 397
with CD
ISBN: 0-201-72937-7
Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
is part of an official training series from Adobe Systems, developed by
experts at Adobe and tested in Adobe's own classrooms and labs. The Classroom
in a Book series of hands-on software training workbooks help you learn
the features of Adobe software quickly and easily and at your own pace.
If you're new to Adobe Acrobat, you'll learn the fundamental concepts
and features you'll need to master the program. If you have been using
Adobe Acrobat for a while, you'll find that Classroom in a Book teaches
many advanced features, including tips and techniques for using this latest
version. The lessons include information on the new Adobe Acrobat user
interface, new ways of creating Adobe PDF files, more powerful methods
of repurposing the content of Adobe PDF files for use in other applications,
and new tools for creating forms and managing color in your PDF files.
The design of documents for online viewing is also reviewed. Although
each lesson provides step-by-step instructions for creating a specific
project, there's room for exploration and experimentation. You can follow
the book from start to finish or do only the lessons that correspond to
your interests and needs. Each lesson concludes with a review section
summarizing what you've covered. Written for both PC and Macintosh users.
Beginning to advanced computer users.
You should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system.
I like:
Step-by-step instruction;
- CD
with starting and ending files for the lessons;
- Screen
shots on almost every page;
- Review
questions and answers at the end of each chapter;
The Book Is Organized |
Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
is divided into a Getting Started Introduction and 14 chapters or lessons.
Started |
Started --describes
basics about how the book works. The
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
CD includes folders containing all the electronic files for the lessons.
Each lesson has its own folder, and you must copy the folders to your
hard drive to do the lessons.
1-14 |
1 through 14
cover the following:
- Chapter
Introducing Adobe Acrobat--looks
at: the main features of Adobe Acrobat; the differences between electronic
documents designed for printing and viewing online; identifying the
types of formatting and design decisions you need to make when creating
an electronic publication. Takes about 20 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Getting to Know the Work Area--discusses:
working with Acrobat tools and palettes; using Acrobat's built-in navigational
controls; change how a PDF document scrolls and displays in the document
window; change the magnification of a view; retrace your viewing path
through a document; use the Acrobat 5.0 online Help. Takes about 60
minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Creating Adobe PDF Files--covers:
using an authoring application's Print command to convert a file to
Adobe PDF; open a text file in Acrobat, automatically converting it
to Adobe PDF; Create an Adobe PDF file by exporting a file from Adobe
PageMaker; specify security settings for a file; view security information
for a document; correct PDF files created by converting paper documents
to Adobe PDF using a scanner and Web-based Paper Capture Online service.
Takes about 50 minutes to complete. See two top images on the left for
view of PDF files that I created for a cookbook.
- Chapter
Customizing Adobe PDF Output Quality--presents
information on: choosing Acrobat Distiller compression and resampling
job options; comparing the output of Adobe PDF files converted with
different default Distiller job options; exploring the color management
settings in the default Distiller job options; setting up watched folders
for batch-processing of PDF files; converting PostScript files to Adobe
PDF using the drag-and-drop method. Takes about 35 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Putting Documents Online--provides
information on: setting an opening view for an online document; creating
custom bookmarks that link to specific views in the document; creating,
following, and editing an article thread; replacing a page of a PDF
file with a page from a different PDF file; examining the design differences
between online and print publications. Takes about 50 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Modifying PDF Files--shows how to:
convert a TIFF image file to Adobe PDF; rotate and crop pages; use thumbnails
to rearrange pages in a document and navigate through a document; insert
and extract pages from a document; copy all the text from a document
in rich text format; copy all the art from a document; renumber pages;
edit the placement and contents of images in a document; create links
and bookmarks that play actions; create an image file from a PDF file.
Takes about 50 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Using Acrobat in a Document Review Cycle--gives
you information on: using and creating comments; exporting, importing,
and summarizing comments; digitally sign documents. Takes about 60 minutes
to complete. See third image to the left for a view of a PDF page with
- Chapter
Creating Forms--discusses how to:
fill out a PDF form and spell check the entries; export information
from one form and import it into another form; add form fields, format
those fields, and copy them; use the forms layout grid; validate form
fields to restrict entries to specific values or characters; perform
mathematical calculations on two or more numeric form fields. Takes
about 60 minutes to complete. See bottom image to the left for a view
of a PDF form that I created.
- Chapter
Creating Adobe PDF from Web Pages--covers
how to: convert a Web page to Adobe PDF using Web Capture; download
and convert Weblinks from a PDF version of a Web page; build a PDF file
of favorite Web pages; update or refresh your PDF version of a Web site.
Takes about 35 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Designing Online Documents--describes:
choosing a page size for an online document; adding buttons and links
to help the user navigate through the document; adding a link to a Web
site; changing the formatting and color of text in a document; setting
an opening view that gives the user an uncluttered screen. Takes about
45 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
11: Enhancing a Multimedia Project--provides
information on how to: add multiple actions to buttons; combine button
and page actions to add sound and graphics; add a movie to a document,
and set the movie's appearance and playback properties; edit the playback
properties of the movie clip. Takes about 45 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Managing Color--includes information
on: how Acrobat handles unmanaged color spaces; setting up Acrobat to
proof a color image on-screen (soft proofing); preview overprinting;
looking at host-based and printer-based color printing. Takes about
30 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Distributing Document Collections--provides
information on: the issues associated with distributing PDF documents;
compare image quality and file size between PDF documents; adding links
to a Welcome document; add document properties information to a PDF
document; setting an opening view for a collection of documents using
the Batch Processing command; indexing a document collection with Acrobat
Catalog; examining a Web server administrator's checklist. Takes about
45 minutes to complete.
- Chapter
Building a Searchable PDF Library and Catalog--presents
information on: building an index using the Acrobat Catalog feature;
choosing Catalog options; using the Search command to locate information
contained in the files indexed by Catalog; setting Search options; refining
a search; use Document Info fields in searches; searching for information
using Boolean expressions; searching for a phrase. Takes about 50 minutes
to complete.
Acrobat 5.0 Classroom in a Book
is a great learning tool. Reading this book should answer most of your questions
on how to quickly get up and running with the program. It teaches you tricks
and how to perform simple tasks in smarter ways. The tutorials are very
complete. This is a good buy!
running Adobe Acrobat 5.0, you need:
- Intel
Pentium class processor;
- Microsoft
Windows 95 OSR 2.0, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows
NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6, or Windows 2000;
- 32
MB of RAM (64 MB recommended);
- 115
MB of available hard disk space;
- Additional
70 MB of hard disk space for Asian fonts (optional);
- Power
PC processor;
- Apple
Macintosh OS 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1;
- 32
MB of RAM (with virtual memory on) (64 MB recommended);
- 105
MB of available hard disk space;
- Additional
70 MB of hard disk space for Asian fonts (optional);CD-ROM
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Web Page Design: Macromedia Dreamweaver
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