11: The Official Guide
"This Book Will Exceed Your Expectations !"
CorelDraw 11: The Official Guide
Author: Steve Bain steve@helix.net
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill http://www.osborne.com
Publication Date: August 2002
Pages: 827 pages
ISBN: 0-07-222603-X
Price: $49.99
11: The Official Guide works both as a reference manual and as a learning guide. Often complex drawing concepts and application features have been explained in everyday terms, and tutorial step sequences are easy-to-follow and quick-to-perform. The book provides you with a realistic view of the capabilities of tools and functions of CoralDraw 11. It can also serve as a navigator through the newly added features and provides comprehensive instruction and reference for using all tools and features existing in previous versions. The book is supported by a special eight-page section providing color-specific examples. You may also download sample effects and VBA scripts files contained in specific chapters of this book by visiting Osborne's Web site.
Beginning to advanced computer users.
This is a book for all user levels. A special effort was made to focus on the realistic use of features in the program by the average user, but the book also provides a wealth of information for the concerns of the professional digital publisher. |
I like include:
- Explains program operation and feature use without technical jargon;
- Covers and addresses both Macintosh and Windows platforms;
- Provides loads of tips, tricks, and CorelDraw 11 shortcuts;
- Teaches illustration techniques;
- Demystifies complex CorelDraw 11 features;
- Covers print and Web issues.
The Book Is Organized |
11: The Official Guide is organized into 8 parts and 29 chapters. Each
chapter is designed to guide you through use of CorelDraw 11's tools.
The parts are structured in a sequence for reference and logical to a
typical learning sequence.
I: CorelDraw 11 Quick Start Guide |
1 through 3
cover the basics.
- Chapter
1 What's New in CorelDraw 11: provides brief summaries of the new tools and features available in version 11.
Chapter 2 Interfacing with CorelDraw 11: helps you to familiarize yourself with how to use various application and document window components including the docker, Toolbar, status bar, and workspace features. You'll also find a special section specifically for Macintosh users.
- Chapter
Opening and Saving Files:
covers essential file commands for creating and saving documents and templates, using clipboard commands, and navigating scrapbooks as well as exporting and importing operations.
II: Getting Started with CorelDraw 11 |
4 through 7
covers getting the most from document-related features.
- Chapter 4 Controlling Documents and Pages: details procedures for controlling the size and layout of documents, with tips on controlling individual page options.
- Chapter
5 Measuring and Drawing Helpers: offers
tips and tricks for using conveniences aimed at making your illustration
and drawing operations easier and more productive.
- Chapter
6 Zooming and Viewing:
explores navigating documents and pages, setting page magnification,
and creating custom page views, as well as using the Zoom and Hand Tools and Toolbars critical to making your work accurate.
- Chapter 7 Essential Object Commands: details all the ways you can select, move, transform, and arrange your drawing elements.
III: Working with Object Tools |
8 through 11
investigates CorelDraw's illustration and drawing tools, as well as its object creation, organization, and destruction techniques.
- Chapter
Creating Basic Shapes: offers techniques
for using new 3-point shape tools, creating and manipulating rectangles, ellipses, polygons, spirals, and graph paper, and using other specific tools.
- Chapter
Drawing with Line Tools: provides
detail on drawing and editing lines and paths, controlling line properties,
manipulating Beziers, and applying special line effects.
- Chapter
Cutting, Shaping, and Reshaping Objects:
explores old and new shaping operations including coverage of the Knife and Eraser Tools.
- Chapter 11 Arranging and Organizing Objects: explains ways you can use layering for structure. You'll also discover ways for grouping, combining, and locking procedures with explanation of copying, duplicating, and cloning techniques, as well as object align and distribute operations.
IV: CorelDraw 11's Text Arsenal |
12 through 14
deal with text-related features.
- Chapter 12 Mastering Text Properties: covers a lot of ground explaining in detail how to create, format, edit, and manipulate both Artistic and Paragraph Text.
- Chapter 13 Linking Text to Objects: learn to link Paragraph Text frames or attach Artistic Text to paths or objects.
- Chapter
Resources for Perfect Writing:
discover the universe of spelling, grammar, and automated correction features that CorelDraw 11 has to offer.
V: Applying Color Fills and Outlines
15 through 17
cover how to unlock CorelDraw 11's color resources.
- Chapter 15 Mastering Object Outline Properties: details the various ways you may control the appearance of lines and object outlines.
- Chapter 16 Applying Color Fills: explains how to interactively apply and manipulate all of CorelDraw 11's color fill types.
- Chapter 17 CorelDraw 11's World of Color: is a complete reference on the various types of color models and color palettes that CorelDraw enables you to work with.
VI: Organizing Objects and Applying Effects |
18 through 22 looks CorelDraw's object distortion and special effects.
- Chapter 18 Envelope and Distortion Effects: shows how to distort, shape, and reshape objects in near-limitless ways.
- Chapter 19 The Power of Blends and Contours: demonstrates CorelDraw 11's powerful object blend and contour effects applied using interactive tools.
- Chapter 20 Applying Lens and Transparency Effects: demystifies CorelDraw 11's powerful object lenses and transparency feature.
- Chapter 21 Creating Depth with Shadows: explores CorelDraw 11's popular Interactive Drop Shadow Tool.
- Chapter 22 Drawing and PowerClips: shows how to place objects into other objects.
VII: Working in 3D |
23 through 24
reveal aspects of illustrating in 3D.
- Chapter 23 Creating Depth with Perspective Effects: explains how to apply depth to 2D objects.
- Chapter 24 Extruding Vector Objects: details depth, fill, lighting, and rotation effects you may apply to vector objects.
Part VIII: Beyond the Basics |
Chapters 25 through 29 help you master advanced features.
- Chapter 25 Applying Bitmap Commands: explains all related techniques for working with bitmaps in your drawing, including techniques for creating, importing, linking, editing, tracing, cropping, sizing, and transforming bitmaps. You'll also discover tricks to using bitmap filter dialogs while applying CorelDraw 11's bitmap filters.
- Chapter 26 Under the Hood of the Print Engine: helps you navigate through CorelDraw 11's powerful (and complex) printing features and explains advanced-level features and options for correctly producing printed output from your nearby desktop printer or a remote service bureau.
- Chapter 27 CorelDraw 11's Web Resources: explains options for harnessing Web-related features, including techniques for creating animations in Corel R.A.V.E. and using the Web Image Optimizer.
- Chapter 28 Take Control Through Customization: shows you how to customize your workspace and application.
- Chapter 29 Adventures with VBA and Scripting: guides you through advanced-level programming techniques for creating scripts to automate drawing tasks and control your CorelDraw 11 application.
Appendix |
- Appendex A Shortcut Keys: road map to the many shortcuts available.
11: The Official Guide is a comprehensive resource tool that is written in a no nonsense, traight to the point style. It is full of how-tos and covers every aspect of the program in detail. Bonuses include a complete shortcut guide and downloadable web resource files. CorelDraw is a wonderful program and this is a wonderful book! |
- Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 (SP6), Windows Me, Windows 2000 or Windows XP P;
- Pentium II, 200 MHz or greater;
- 64 MB RAM;
- 128 MB RAM recommended (required for Windows XP);
- 200 MB hard disk space;
- 1024 x 768 monitor;
- CD-ROM drive;
- Mouse or tablet.
- Mac OS 10.1;
- Power Mac G3 or higher;
- 128 MB RAM;
- 250 MB hard disk space;
- 1024 x 768 monitor;
- CD-ROM drive;
- Mouse or tablet.
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