Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide
Great Tutorial and Reference Book!"
Corel Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide
Author: Dave Huss
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill http://www.osborne.com
Publication Date: 2001
Pages: 670
ISBN: 0-07-212752-X
Price: $39.99
Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide, by Dave Huss,
is a comprehensive guide for Photo-Paint 10. The new version of Photo-Paint
features a variety of image-enhancing filters to improve the quality of
scanned images, and special effects filters that dramatically alter the
appearance of images, such as the new Red Eye Removal and Smart Blur filters.
Photo-Paint 10 also provides a redesigned and fully customizable UI, enhanced
mask effects, and the ability to disable common warning messages to reduce
interruptions to the creative process. The text tools have been significantly
enhanced; there is more control over drop shadows by using new color and
update features and Shadow Feathering and Shadow Opacity controls. With
Corel Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide you will learn how to take full
advantage of these features. The author fills the book with real-world
examples, step-by-step tutorials, and a 16-page color insert. You learn
how to: boost the appearance of scanned pictures with image-enhancing
filters; use natural media brushes to create the effect of painting on
paper, canvas, or other textured surfaces; learn quickly by doing the
accompanying tutorials included in every chapter; correct and restore
your favorite photographs; prepare image files and text specifically for
the Web; and much more.
Beginning to advanced computer users.
The book has step-by-step instructions on every aspect of Photo-Paint 10,
from digital imaging basics to printing and outputting for the Web. |
I like include:
Tips that provide you with extra knowledge;
- Notes
that provide additional or critical information and technical data on
the current topic;
- Step-by-step
tutorials throughout, with free images that you can download from the
Osborne Web site, to use for the tutorials.
- 16-page
color insert that gives you great ideas on how you can use the program.
The Book Is Organized |
Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide is organized into six Parts.
I: The Basics of Photo-Paint 10 |
1 through 5
give you an overview of Photo-Paint.
- Chapter
1 An Introduction to Photo-Paint:
Brief history of Photo-Paint; Quick tour of interface and tools; Setting
up your system; and Hardware considerations.
Chapter 2 Learning
About Digital Images: Basic terms in digital imaging; Resolution
and the size of images; Resolution and printing; and Basic color theory.
- Chapter
Opening, Creating and Saving Images:
Overview of image file management; Opening files; Creating new images;
Saving your work; and File compression.
- Chapter
4 Image Fundamentals--Viewing and Modifying Images:
Zoom and navigation tools; Changing shape and placement of images; Commands
such as Flip, Rotate, Duplicate, and Resample; the Crop tool; and Changing
the color mode of an image.
- Chapter
5 Tools for Layout, Undoing, Redoing, and replacing:
Rulers, guidelines, and grids; Zoom and navigation tools; and Tools
for correcting mistakes.
II: Masks and Objects |
6 through 7
examine masks and object.
- Chapter
The School of Masks: Overview of
masks; and mask-creation tools such as Mask transform tool, Grow and
Similar commands.
- Chapter
Exploring Objects and Text: Pixels
and crazy glue; Objects docker and Property Bar; Interactive dropshadow
tool; Transform modes; Text tool; and Paragraph text.
- Note:
Image to the left was created using a combination of masks and filter.
III: Photo-Correction Tools and Techniques |
investigates how you can restore and make corrections to photos.
- Chapter
Repairing and Restoring Photographs:
Fixing digital camera photographs; and Repairing noncolor photographic
problems with cropping.
IV: Painting with Photo-Paint 10 |
9 through 12
introduce you to the world of layers, objects, and text.
- Chapter
Filling with Color or Patterns:
Fill tools; Fill buttons and fill status line; Uniform color fill mode;
Fountain fill mode; Bitmap fill; Texture fills; Interactive fill tool;
Transparency controls; Disable fill button; and Shape tools.
- Chapter
Corel Texture and Corel KnockOut:
How Corel Texture works; making a seamless tile; changing texture size;
making a 3D button; how KnockOut works.
- Chapter
Finding the Right Color: The trio
of colors--paint, paper, and fill; Picking colors from the palette;
Picking palettes; Eyedropper tool; Paint color dialog box; Color models;
Mixers mode; and Palettes mode.
- Chapter
Exploring Corel Photo-Paint's Brush Tools:
Selecting and configuring brush tools; Artistic media docker; Brush
nibs; Brush settings docker; Stroke style section; Pen settings roll-up;
Configuring your pen; Symmetry toolbar; Paint tools; Effect tools; Clone
tool; and the Image sprayer tool.
- Note:
The clouds and trees in the image to the left were painted into the
scene using the Image Sprayer brush. The water was made using a bitmap
fill, and the text was made using a bitmap fill and applying the Plastic
filter to it.
V: Those Incredible Filters
13 through 14
cover a range of filters.
- Chapter
Exploring Photo-Paint Enhancement Filters:
Plug-in filters; Installation of filters; Managing plug-ins; Filter
dialog box; Repeat and Fade Last commands; Sharpen filters; other filters
such as High Pass, Blur, Gaussian Blur, Jaggy Despeckle; Zoom; Directional
Smooth, Soften; Smart Blur; Noise, Diffuse, Dust & Scratch, Median,
and Remove.
- Chapter
Exploring the Photo-Paint Effect Filters:
Filters such as: 3D Effects, Cylinder, Emboss, Glass; Page Curl, Perspective,
Pinch/Punch, Sphere, Emboss, Creative filters, Art Stroke filters, Contour
filters, Edge Detect, Band Pass, Distort, Mesh Warp, Squizz, Pixelate,
Ripple, Shear, Swirl, Tile, Lens, Lighting Effects, Terrazzo, and Tiles.
- Note:
The image to the left was created using the Squizz filter.
VI : Advanced Photo-Paint Topics |
15 through 20
cover scanning, Web graphics, masks and channels, automating and customizing
features, and printing.
- Chapter
Scanners, Digital Cameras, and the Web:
Scanners and scanning; Working with digital cameras; Video capture;
Corel Scrapbook Docker window; and Using Corel Capture.
- Chapter
Using Photo-Paint to Create Web Graphics:
Internet colors; Making a 3D Web page button; and Using the Glass Block
filter to make a multimedia background.
- Chapter
Using Advanced Masks and Channels:
Saving a mask; Loading a mask; Removing a mask; Inverting a mask; Selecting
and manipulating masks; Using masks to create deteriorated metal; and
Color mask.
- Chapter
Automating Photo-Paint Tools and Features:
Batch process; Recorder Docker; and Scripts Docker.
- Chapter
19 Customizing Corel Photo-Paint 10 Preferences:
Fitting the toolbar to your monitor; Changing the toolbar size and shape;
Menus and keyboard commands; Workplace settings; Document Guidelines
group; and Onscreen palette.
- Chapter
20 Getting the Best Printing Using Photo-Paint:
color correction vs. ink jet printers; color printers vs. color photo
printers; general does and don'ts of print with Photo-Paint; making
your own wallet-size pictures; making photos that fit without alterations;
and fitting several different photos on a page.
- Note:
The image to the left was created using a sphere and the Zoom blur.
Photo-Paint 10: The Official Guide
is both a tutorial and a reference book. It is a very good book for beginners
with its introduction to Photo-Paint, yet it's in-depth techniques makes
it a good choice for users who want to polish up their skills or learn about
the new features in Version 10. The writing style of the author is very
amusing, and Huss has done a great job presenting the projects and explanations
of how to use the tools in Photo Paint, the shortcuts, as well as masking
techniques that will encourage you to want to experiment more on your own. |
running Corel Photo-Paint on a Windows system:
- Processor:
Pentium 200;
- Operating
System: Windows 95/98, 2000, Me or NT 4.0;
- Memory:
64 MB RAM minimum (128 MB Ram recommended);
- Hard
Disk Space: minimum 160 MB;
- Graphics:
SVGA monitor;
2X CD-ROM drive.
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