Chapter 1 and 2 introduce you to the Dreamweaver interface.
Chapter 1: Getting Started--covers Dreamweaver terminology;
Document window; customizing the Document window; invisible elements;
HTML Inspector; selecting objects; Properties Inspector; Launcher;
and Object Palette.
Chapter 2: Basic Web Pages--covers opening and creating HTML
files; saving your work or a copy of a file; page properties; colors
and web pages; modifying the page background; setting the text colors;
previewing in a browser; and printing from the browser window.
Page Basics--Chapters 3 and 4 talk about text and
all the things you can do with it, and Chapter 5 describes linking in
more detail. Chapter 6 gets you on your way with images.
Chapter 3: Working with Text--covers placing text; changing
font size; using text styles; physical and logical text styles; changing
font face and color; comments; find and replace; and checking spelling.
Chapter 4: Paragraphs and Layouts--covers paragraphs versus
line breaks; paragraph properties; div and span; break properties;
headings; preformatted text; formatting lists; text alignment; indenting
text; nonbreaking space; special characters in HTML; and horizontal
Chapter 5: Working with Images--covers placing or selecting
an image; Properties inspector; image formats and properties; appearance
properties; layout properties; page loading properties; and image
Chapter 6: Working with Links and URLs--covers absolute vs.
relative links; making links and making relative links; using named
anchors; aiming targets; changing link colors; and smart linking strategies.
Frames, and Forms--Chapters 7-9 are what most folks
consider the "intermediate" range in HTML--7 is tables, 8
is frames, and 9 is forms.
Chapter 7: Working with Tables--covers setting up tables;
adding content to a table; changing table size and layout; adjusting
the table size; creating a table within a table; working with table
borders; adjusting table spacing and adjusting content spacing; sorting
table contents; and coloring tables.
Chapter 8: Using Frames--covers frames and navigation; setting
up a frames page; creating frames by dragging; Frames inspector; modifying
the frame page layout; deleting a frame; nested framesets; setting
column and row sizes and content pages; creating content within a
frame; saving your work and saving the frameset page; frameset options;
setting margins; targeting links; naming frames; setting a base target;
creating no-frames content; and inline frames.
Chapter 9: Filling Out Forms--covers creating and formatting
forms; adding form objects; names and values; and making it go.
HTML--Then we get to the Dynamic part of the book. The components
of DHTML are covered in Chapters 10-13. Chapter 10 covers Cascading
Style Sheets. In Chapter 11, you will learn about layers and all that
goes with them, including absolute positioning. Chapter 12 covers Behaviors
or JavaScript actions. And Chapter 13 discusses Timelines, Dreamweaver's
DHTML animation tool.
Chapter 10: Stylin' with Style Sheets--covers how style sheets
work; the styles palette; kinds of style sheets; creating a style;
defining new selectors; linked and imported style sheets; editing
style sheets; applying style classes; conflict styles; style definitions;
type, background, block box, border, and list attributes; extensions.
Chapter 11: Layers and Positioning--covers CSS positioning;
X and Y coordinates; absolute vs. relative positioning; positioning
properties; layers inspector; grids and rulers; creating, selecting,
deleting, and renaming layers; choosing tags; moving and resizing
layers; nesting and overlapping layers; changing layer visibility;
stacking order; content and layers; layers and styles; clipping area;
content overflow; setting a background; Dreamweaver's layer preferences;
Netscape's layer tags; converting layers to tables; and using a tracing
Chapter 12: Behavior Modification--covers JavaScript concepts;
adding behaviors; common objects; event handlers; common actions;
display status message; popup message; open browser window; check
plug-in; swap image; control sound; control Shockwave or Flash; show-hide
layers; validation form; change property; adding new scripts and behaviors;
and drag layer.
Chapter 13: Drawing Timelines--covers what Timelines can do;
Timelines inspector; dissecting the Timelines inspector; adding a
layer to a Timeline; Timeline actions; moving layers; keyframes; showing
and hiding layers; changing the Z-index; changing layer dimensions;
adding an image to a Timeline; adding a behavior to a Timeline; making
Timelines go; loop and rewind; adding and removing frames; using multiple
Timelines; deleting objects; changing objects; and deleting a Timeline.
Management--Chapter 14 discusses three ways of automating
common tasks in Dreamweaver: libraries, templates, and custom objects.
Libraries are a site management tool, whereas you use custom objects
to modify Dreamweaver's Insert functions. The new template feature in
Dreamweaver 2 allows you to create versatile templates with read-only
design features, and you can update the design of pages based on these
templates just by updating the template file. In Chapter 15, you will
learn everything you need to know about putting plug-ins and other multimedia
content on your site. And Chapter 16 is all about site management with
Dreamweaver's Sites window, a full-fledged FTP client.
Chapter 14: Libraries, Templates and Custom Objects--covers
libraries; creating a library item; adding an existing library item
to a page; editing, renaming, deleting, and re-creating library items;
updating your site; using server-side includes; inserting SSIs; changing
SSI viewing options; dream templates; template tools; creating templates;
setting template page properties; using styles and JavaScript in templates;
setting editable regions; creating pages based on a template; detaching
a template from a page; attaching an existing page to a template;
using editable regions; highlights for templates; renaming and deleting
templates; editing and updating; exporting as XML; and custom objects.
Chapter 15: Plug-ins and Active Content--covers using sound
files; sound file parameters; Netscape plug-ins; Shockwave and Flash;
Java Applets; ActiveX; and extra parameters.
Chapter 16: Managing Your Web Sites--covers Sites window;
setting up a local site; connecting to a remote site; editing and
deleting local sites; site window tips and shortcuts; using site maps;
drawing links in the site map; and site FTP preferences.