
1,000,000 Page Design Edition

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Type of Product
WebSpice 1,000,000 Page Design Edition is a collection of original & royalty-free Web page building blocks such as buttons, arrows, rules, and textures. It also includes design templates and sample pages. DeMorgan Industries Corporation makes other Internet software. Their Web site is: http://www.webspice.com Price: $99.00 Check their Web site out for special bundle prices, such as all four WebSpice packages for $249.
User Level    
This is an excellent package for beginners who are just starting out with Web design. You don't need to learn how to use a graphics package or spend time trying to modify an image since all of the images are provided in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and textures. The Step by Step Design Guide is easy to use. Intermediate and advanced PC users could use this program for fast Web page design.
More than 1 million professionally-designed, original, and royalty-free Web-ready images on 6 multi-platform CD ROMs.
Images on the CDs include buttons, arrows, rules, textures. All are provided in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and textures.
Step by Step Design Guide leads users through the process of creating a Web page.
Image selection wizards make it easy to find the right image fast.
Drag & Drop placement.
Web page templates for fast development of Internet, Intranet, and personal Web pages.

This is probably one of the best organized software packages that I have reviewed, and you don't have to get out the magnifying glass to go through a dictionary sized catalog of thumbnails to find the right image. There is nothing to install, either. You just put in the first CD and a dialog box pops up and asks you if you want to launch your browser. You click yes and all the images are displayed in a unique Web-page catalog on the CDs; there is also a selection wizard that leads you step-by-step through the catalog and helps you choose the right image for your needs. The interface is extremely user friendly. The first window displays four choices:

Design Guide--assists you in picking a purpose for your site. Then you select an image. You have10 designs to choose from, and you can select a two color or three color scheme. Once you work through the Design Guide you will have a template web page that you can modify for your needs using your web editor. It is so easy. The 10 designs are enough to get you started. You just copy the files and any graphics needed from the CD to your hard drive. You can then add you own text, change the color scheme or add different images from the CD if you want.

Image Selection Wizard--contains the collection of web art including buttons, arrows, rules, bullets, backgrounds, and background textures. All art is provided in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles. The wizard helps you find the image you need. With buttons and arrows, the wizard help you make the choice of type (and text with buttons), size, color, flat or raised, and texture effect. You have 10 different texture effects to choose from: solid, cone, right fill, left fill, bottom fill, center fill, marble, water, stone, and alien. With rules you choose the type, color and flat or raised. And with bullets you choose type and color. The backgrounds are divided into strip and seamless, with a variety of textures, styles, and colors.

Blank Buttons--you can add your own text to blank buttons using a graphic editor. As with the other section, there is a wizard to help you find the blank button you need. You choose type, size, texture, and flat or raised. There are a variety of styles, plain to fancy, conservative to casual.

Sample Web Pages--you can modify the sample web pages provided in this section. The collection includes samples for your Intranet or Internet use. There are General Pages under the Intranet category, and for the Internet category there are Special Purpose Pages and General Pages. Below is a list of the various samples.

Intranet Pages:

Bug Report--This allows your company's developers to keep track of bugs.
Calendar--This allows you to post important dates.
Contact Sheet--This allows personnel to keep track of contacts.
Expense Report--This allows personnel to keep track of expenses.
Phone Directory--This allows personnel to look up phone numbers.
Planner Page--This allows personnel to plan their day.
People Search--This allows you to locate people.
Presentation--This allows you to create your own presentations.
Time Cards--This allows personnel to log their hours online.

Special Purpose Internet Pages:

Classified Ads--This allows your company to advertise positions.
Contact Us--This allows your company's customers to keep in touch.
FAQ Sheet--This allows you to create a visually organized FAQ.
Glossary--This allows you to post a reference for specialized terminology.
News Release--This allows you to create web press releases.
Thumb Nails--This allows viewing of many images before picking one.
Order Form--This allows your customers to print an order form.
Recipe--This allows you to post your favorite formatted recipes.
Resume 1--This allows you to post a simple black & white resume.
Resume 2--This allows you to post a buff colored resume.
Shareware--This allows you to organize a download page.
Sports Page--This allows you to post sports scores on the web.
Stock Quotes--This allows you to post stock quotes for a company.

General Internet Pages:

Church--This allows you to create a church site.
Conservative Business Site--This allows you to create a solid image.
Personal Home Page--This allows you to create a site.
Conservative Business Site #2--This allows you to create a solid image.
Small Business Site--This allows you to create an approachable image.
Moderate Business Site--This gives you a neutral image.
Company Site #1--This gives you a neutral, blue image.
Company Site #2--This gives you a neutral, green image.
Company Site #3--This gives you a neutral, aqua image.
Company Site #4--This gives you a neutral, pink image.
Structured Company Site--This gives you a modern organized image.

Personal Comments    
This is a very useful package of images. I just wish that other software packages of clip art or images were as well-organized and used a Web page browser. The 10 different textures for the buttons and arrows were impressive. The seamless backgrounds were quite elegant in their texture and color, and the strip backgrounds were colorful and fun to use. You had the same choice of colors for all the items so that you could color-coordinate backgrounds with bullets and arrows. And each catalog page was laid out in the same format with the colors arranged in the same manner, red to black. I was able to select matching borders, bullets and arrows very easily. I did not have to hunt for anything.The wide selection of sample pages should provide a new business with the basic Web pages they need. I have been using this program for the layout of various reviews and was very satisfied. Reviews such as Commandos, Compton's 99 Encyclopedia Deluxe, Windows 95 Is Driving Me Crazy!, and How To Use America Online 4 were designed using WebSpice images. This software would make a good Christmas stocking stuffer.
System Requirements    
Processor: 486 or Pentium
Operating System: Windows 3.1, 95 or NT
Memory: 8MB RAM (16MB recommended, 32MB for NT)
CD ROM Drive
VGA or better display w/256 colors
3.0+ Web Browser

Graphics: DeMorgan WebSpice 1,000,000 Page Design Edition
Web Page Editor: Symantec Visual Page