R |
News source. |
S |
of the Americas Watch (SOAW)
Reports on: The US Army School of Americas (SOA), based in
Fort Benning, Georgia, that trains Latin American soldiers in combat,
counter-insurgency, and counter-narcotics. |
Site devoted to information on Sikh faith, culture, and history. |
Site devoted to information on Sikh faith, culture, and history. |
Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force
Emphasis is on the following: (1) Monitor the media for misinformation
and misrepresentation of the Sikh faith and its adherents, and to
correct such errors; (2) Serve as a source of accurate and verifiable
information on all aspects of the Sikh religion and its adherents:
theology, culture, history and politics; and (3) Educate
the American polity about the Sikhs, their culture and their heritage.
Online site for a revolutionary, socialist, democratic, feminist,
anti-racist organization.They state: We're Solidarity, we're about
working for a society based on human need and democratic collective
decision-making in our communities & workplaces. We want to end
capitalism and the exploitation, discrimination and hierarchy that
characterizes such a profit-driven system. We are committed to building
a society that rejects racism, sexism, and homophobia. |
is the author of The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred
Thing, and other books that link an earth-based spirituality to action
to change the world. On her site, you'll find information about her
books, current and past activities, many of her articles and unpublished
writings, links to related groups and organizations, and resources
for activists. |
Sweatshop Watch is a coalition of labor, community, civil rights,
immigrant rights, women's, religious & student organizations,
and individuals committed to eliminating sweatshop conditions in the
global garment industry. We believe that workers should be earning
a living wage in a safe and decent working environment, and that those
who benefit the most from the exploitation of sweatshop workers must
be held accountable. |
T |
Ppages with specific information about East Timor - its History, Geography
and Culture, the Human Rights situation, daily news, etc. |
TomPaine.com is a public interest journal inspired by the great patriot
Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Rights of Man. Paine
was a man of humble origins and modest
education, but he became a writer of extraordinary skill and passion.
He used his talent to advance the cause of liberty and democracy against
distant and unaccountable rulers. TomPaine.com
seeks to enrich the national debate on controversial public issues
by featuring the ideas, opinions, and analyses too often overlooked
by the mainstream media. They publish these in their regular advertisements
on the Op-Ed Page of The New York Times, in other publications,
and on theirWeb site. |
Trident Ploughshares is a campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear
weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable
manner. |
The TrueMajority campaign was started by Ben Cohen,
cofounder of Ben and Jerry's. TrueMajority sifts through all the stuff
going on in Congress. When your voice counts to create a just and
sustainable world, you get an email alert. Then just
by clicking one button a fax is sent to your congressperson in your
name. It takes about 2 minutes a month and it's free. |
U |
for Peace and Justice
United for Peace & Justice is a new national campaign that brings
together a broad range of organizations throughout the United States
to help coordinate our work against a U.S. war on Iraq. At an initial
meeting in Washington, DC on October 25, more than 70 peace and justice
organizations agreed to form United for Peace & Justice and signed
on to a statement for peace. |
of California Divestment Petition Website
This is a web site for the UC Faculty-initiated Divestment campaign
has been set up.
V |
in the Wilderness
Online site for campaign to end economic sanctions against the people
of Iraq. |
Vote.com is a fully interactive web site designed to give Internet
users a voice on important public issues and other topics. The
Internet is filled with chances for us to listen and read. This site
gives us a chance to speak out and to be heard. When you vote
on a topic listed on our site, we'll send an e-mail to significant
decision-makers like your congressional representative, your
senators, and the president telling them how you feel. |
W |
Active News
WebActive contains live tapes and analysis from the following sites:
- RadioNation:
RadioNation, the weekly broadcast edition of The Nation magazine,
is staking out ground as one of the most provocative and informative
shows on the air, bringing what The Nation does in print to a
widespread new audience.
Pacifica Network News: Pacifica Network News, an in-depth look
at the world, is available every day. If you want extensive coverage
of issues and events that matter, particularly those not covered
in the mainstream press, this is the place to listen.
Democracy NOW!: Democracy NOW! was launched by Pacifica Radio
in 1996 to open the airwaves on a daily basis to alternative voices
traditionally excluded from the political process. The hour-long
program is available every week day.
Hightower Radio: WebActive is the exclusive Web source for Jim
Hightower's entertaining daily two-minute commentaries on politics
and progressive issues.
WebActive Directory:
An annotated, searchable directory of 1,250 progressive groups
that are online. Users can input a key word, and quickly use hyperlinks
to find their way to the progressive sites that best respond to
their interests.
Soapbox: The "Op-ed" page of WebActive, this feature
provides a mix of weekly commentators using RealAudio to inform
an opine on topics of their choice.
CounterSpin: A weekly look behind the scenes of the mainstream
news. This one-half hour program is produced by the media watchdog
group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
States Legal Foundation
Online site for Western States Legal Foundation which is a non-profit,
public interest organization founded in 1982, which monitors and analyzes
U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies. Good site for links and
pdf files. |
The mission at voice4change is to bring a positive message to the
broadest possible audience. There are many wonderful
doing critical work to make our world a better place. Many of these
organizations have very informative web sites but do not have the
time to promote them. Their role will be to promote these sites to
increase their effectiveness.
International League For Peace And Freedom
site for information and links. |
Justice Center
Their goal is: To provide advocacy, free of charge, for victims of
rape, domestic violence, and child abuse, particularly in the Latina
and other under served communities of Sonoma County. To provide advocacy
training and community education. To coordinate the Task Force on
Women in Policing with the goal of increasing the number of women
and minorities in our law enforcement agencies. To commit to equal
justice for all women and girls. The site is multilingual with information
in English and Spanish. |
For Change
Working for Change is a comprehensive Web site made up of resources
for people with progressive values. |
X |
Y |
Z |
http://www.zmag.org Site
for Z Net and Z Magazine, a great site for altrnative views. |